
Bingo Games on Tuesdays at 12 PM Games are played in the Parish Hall every Tuesday at 12 noon. This fundraising effort is staffed by…

Helping Hands

This parish-based, community outreach provides food and other essential assistance to the local community. The Helping Hands ministry provides a variety of charitable works supported…

Office Volunteers

Commission: This volunteer becomes familiar with the daily functions of the parish office and its various departments. Assist the Parish Coordinator with the smooth operations…

Respect Life

This group meets monthly and is dedicated to transforming today's culture of death into a culture of life. Pope John Paul II's encyclical, The Gospel…
Parish Office

Divine Mercy & Rosary Makers Group

Divine Mercy Prayer Group - Meet on the First Three Wednesdays of the Month The Divine Mercy Prayer Group meet to pray the Divine Mercy…

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