“Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint [him] with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven.”
James 5:14-15

The Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of healing and peace. The sacrament is given when someone falls seriously ill or is near death. A priest anoints them, hears their confession, and prays over them. The priest prays for the blessings of Christ for physical and spiritual strength and healing of the individual.
The Catechism says, “The anointing of the sick is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death. Hence, as soon as anyone of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for him to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived” (CCC 1514).

Who can receive the sacrament Anointing of the Sick?
Those who are seriously ill can receive Anointing of the Sick. This sacrament provides strength to those ill or preparing for a surgery. It consists of laying on of hands by the priests of the Church, the offering of the prayer of faith, and the anointing of the sick with oil made holy by God’s blessing.
To learn more and to schedule this sacrament, please call the Parish Office at 352-726-1670.