The Catholic Bishops of the United States defined Catholic youth ministry in the document Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry (RTV). Young people have a hunger for connection, to be in relationships, and to belong. Family, peers, school, youth-serving organizations, and church are primary connections for young people. Some of the ways the church fulfills this second goal of youth ministry are:
- Being a “youth-friendly” community that welcomes young people, values their participation, and calls forth their gifts.
- Integrating young people into the liturgical, pastoral, and ministerial life of the parish community.
- Creating opportunities for young people to enter into healthy relationships of trust and respect with their peers and adults.
- Promoting Catholic identity and religious literacy through programs of adolescent catechesis.
Our Lady of Fatima Parish Youth Ministry is a dynamic, engaging youth group where Middle School and High School students gather for community and fun, and to grow in their relationships with Jesus Christ. Each gathering follows a structure that introduces a Gospel theme and incorporates youth group activities and outings Christian teens love to do:
- Service Projects: Nothing clearly teaches “love your neighbor” more than getting out in the community and helping others.
- Each gathering is designed with a Gospel theme in mind. The Coordinator and Teen Leadership break down and try to explain how Jesus’ message is relevant to modern issues.
- The goal is to prepare our youth to be responsible disciples and citizens and encourage them to contemplate finding their purpose/belonging.
- The focus is on the formation and development of Spirit, Mind, and Body with team-building activities, discernment gaming, and models of exemplary leadership qualities.
- They have trusted people they can rely on to offer advice or even listen.
- Teach them how to fight stress, anger, revenge, jealousy, lust, and all evil things with prayer.
- Opportunities for adventure, food, music, games, and dance.

Youth Confirmation Preparation
Class Schedule: September 10th, 2023
Confirmation Preparation class is on Sundays 10 -11:30 a.m. and is part of Religious Education Faith formation. Youth Room 206 Hall B.
Confirmation is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation along with Baptism and Holy Communion. Through the Sacrament of Confirmation, the individual receives strengthening of the Holy Spirit as he continues the journey of Faith with Christ. At Confirmation, the individual renews his baptismal promises by making a Profession of Faith, and his covenant relationship with God is deepened. Through the sacrament of Confirmation, the person receives the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord and an indelible mark is placed on the soul.
Confirmation preparation is provided for teens through our Youth Ministry. The Sacrament of Confirmation is a Sacrament of Initiation, by which Confirmandi “are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.” (CCC 1285)
Confirmation preparation occurs in 7th grade and the Sacrament is conferred at the end of the 2-year preparation period.
Confirmation classes prepare students for Confirmation and inspires them to live a life of discipleship.
RCIA Preparation for Youth 16 Years and Older
If you are over 16 years old and have been baptized but have never received the sacrament of Confirmation, Our Lady of Fatima Parish offers classes to prepare adults for Confirmation. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process by which adults are initiated into the Catholic Church. RCIA provides a series of sessions intended for those who are unbaptized or those who have been baptized in other Christian faiths and need to learn more about the Catholic faith. For more information about RCIA, click here.
Teens for Life
Teens For Life Meets one Sunday a month. Teens for Life is in service to our church and community. This Youth Ministry supports life from conception to natural death. It is open to all ages; learning by doing.
Each October, the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month to proclaim the immeasurable value of every person from conception to natural death. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops assists parishes, schools and other Catholic ministries by creating resources to help people “understand, value and become engaged with supporting the God-given dignity of every person — which naturally leads to protecting the gift of every person’s life” through its Respect Life Program. It kicks off on Respect Life Sunday, which this year is Oct. 1, 2023.
For more information, Contact Parish Office: 352-726-1670.