Commission: Extraordinary Ministers (EM) serve the Parish and the Lord by taking the Eucharist to Catholics who are homebound or in local nursing homes.
Function: Extraordinary Ministers visit homebound parishioners and those in local nursing homes and bring them the Eucharist.
Candidate: An EM must be a practicing Catholic, a registered member of the Cathedral, and have taken and passed all Diocesan requirements for Safe Environment Training. They must have a valid driver’s license or someone with a valid driver’s license to take them on their visits. Transportation is not provided by the Cathedral. The Parochial Vicar has oversight over EM Homebound Volunteers. Heidi Sumner keeps the database current and helps to coordinate the activities.
Meetings: None.
Training/Preparation: EM are interviewed, instructed, and provided the Handbook for Visiting the Sick or Homebound. They serve an internship with a veteran EM.